A pediatric oncology unit

You are the nurse manager of a pediatric oncology unit. You are also the manager of the same day chemo unit that is attached to your inpatient unit. The strategy for delivering chemotherapy to children under the age of 18 is going to change in order to accommodate family schedules and school needs. Children will now be receiving their chemotherapy after 4 PM or on the weekend. This means that many of them will not be finished with their infusions until 10 PM or later and the unit will need to be staffed on the weekend which was not the case previously. This will greatly alter the staffing needs of the unit.


1. What is your course of action in the situation?


2. What is the fiscal impact of this change?


3.  What data will drive this change?


4.  Whose responsibility is it to provide education and support in the given situation?


5.  How would you evaluate the outcome(s) of this change?

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