GROSS SKELETAL MUSCLES AND THEIR ACTIONS A. Muscle groups and structures of muscles. Match the following terms with the given descriptions below. Write the corresponding letter on the space provided beside the term given.originprime moverinnervationantagonistsynergistfixatorinsertiontendon A. nerve supply B. stabilizes the origin C. aids a prime mover D. muscle attachment allowing movement to a bone E. basis for identifying types of muscle shapes F. opposes a prime mover G. agonist muscle H. muscle attachment prohibiting bone movement C. Muscles of the Neck, Hyoid and Larynx. Identify the neck muscles based on their description. 1. 3-banded, deep posterior muscles near lateral to the spinal cord.

2. Lateral group, originating from C2-C6 and inserts atandcostal bones. 3. Anterior group, originating from atlasand inserts at occipital bone.

4. Innervation of trapezius. 5. Lateral group, 2 origins from manubrium (sternal) and clavicle, and inserts in mastoid process.

6. Innervates the stylohyoid. 7. Elevates the hyoid and the floor of the mouth so that tongue can push food towards pharynx. 8. The plexus innervations of hyoid and laryngeal muscles.

9. Fixator or stabilizer of the hyoid while swallowing. 10. Depresses and retracts the hyoid bone.