The rate-limiting enzyme in Hydrolysis of triacylglycerol stored as the lipid droplet of adipocytes
Is the rate-limiting enzyme in hydrolysis of triacylglycerol stored as the lipid droplet of adipocytes (fat cells). A. Glycogen synthase B. Capillary membrane-bound lipoprotein lipase C. Glycogen phosphorylase A D. Hydroxymethylglutaryl CoEnzyme A reductase E. Hormone-sensitive lipaseis the lipoprotei A. The chylomicron B. HDL-C C. Triacylglycerol and C. TriacylglycerolD. LDL-C E. VLDL-C 9. Dietary proteins undergo D. LDL-C E. A. oxidation/dipeptidesD. oxidation
10. Amino acids are involved in the following processes except A. serving as the major energy substrate during rest, moderate, vigorous, and maximal exercise B. transamination reactions C. the alanine/glucose cycle D. gluconeogenesis