Lowering the rate of obesity among children and adolescents

Pediatricians and other primary care providers play an essential role in providing basic nutrition to their patients. Their role is especially important in lowering the rate of obesity among children and adolescents, one-third of whom are estimated to be overweight or obese. However, physicians who treat children and teens may not have sufficient nutrition knowledge to offer them appropriate advice.

Read the following article, and then respond to the questions.

Doctors need nutrition education, says commentary in JAMA Internal Medicine

1. In a 2018 survey, 45% of internal medicine residents reported having little or no training in nutrition.

a. True
b. False
2. Research shows that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans, can help fight heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. But just 9.3% of U.S. adults meet the daily vegetable intake recommendation, while only 12.2% of adults get enough fruit.

a. True
b. False

3. Dr. Barnard recommends five steps the medical community can take to address this lack of nutrition knowledge. One of the steps in the article advises that __________ should be a required part of continuing medical education for physicians everywhere.

a. Biology
b. Chemistry
c. Physiology
d. Nutritio