Ability to apply to nursing practice

Diabetes Type 2
Case study 2
Emily is 54 years old and was recently diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. She is overweight with a Body mass index [BMI] of 35. Emily is aware of her unhealthy diet and lack of exercise but is finding it difficult to motivate herself to change her daily routine. She is struggling to control her daily blood sugars. A recent visit for a blood test highlighted a raised HBA1c [average blood sugar level]. The GP has made a clinical decision to refer her to the Practice Nurse for a review of her Diabetes management and advice on improving her wellbeing and lifestyle.
Clinical decisions Life-style choices
Referral to Dietician Unhealthy diet and raised BMI
Consultation with Practice Nurse Lack of exercise and poor self management of DiabetesModule Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module, with limited guidance, students will
be able to:Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application

a) Recognize the evidence base and range of factors involved in decision-making and demonstrate an ability to apply to nursing practice
b) Examine the evidence base and participate in opportunities to influence positive
lifestyle choices in individuals, families, and communities
c) Examine situations and question with transparency and candor the appropriateness
of nursing care underpinned by an evidence base
d) Demonstrate and apply knowledge of Anatomy and physiology
of the human body

Employability & Changemaker Skills
e) Within the context of health recognize personal and professional challenges
and identify potential solutions
f) Reflect on personal contribution to the team and identify strategies for

Information processing theory
Intuitive (humanistic) theory
Cognitive Continuum Theory

Content and Structure

Title page to ONLY include the following:
• NPR129 AS1 Case study Assignment
• Word count for introduction parts A&B, and conclusion

Introduction approx.100 words in the 3rd person
• State your chosen case study and rationale [reason/s for choosing this].
• Provide an overview of what will be discussed within Part A and Part B of the assignment.

Part A
1. Your patient [Learning Outcome d] approx. 300 words in the 3rd person

• Overview of the presenting complaint briefly outlining the relevant body system and the psychosocial factors to be considered.

2. Decision-making theory and nursing process [Learning Outcomes a & c] approx. 1000 words in the 3rd person

• Apply a decision-making theory and discuss the factors that could have influenced 1 clinical decision made during this episode of care.
• Support this by exploring the evidence/literature/research to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the nursing process.

3. Lifestyle choices [Learning Outcome b] approx.1000 words in the 3rd person

• Discuss at least 1 lifestyle choice from your case study.
• Explain how this may have contributed to the current health problem within the case study.
• Support this by exploring the evidence/literature/research that relates to this.
• Consider the issues relating to the quality of life, including physiological and psychological benefits and relevant compliance/concordance issues.

Part B
Reflection and Recommendations [Learning Outcomes e & f] approx. 500 words in the 1st person

• Consider positive lifestyle recommendations for the person, involving the role of other health care professionals and organizations.
• Reflect on undertaking this case study, discussing how it will influence your decision-making for the future care of patients alongside your professional self-development.

Conclusion – approx. 100 words in the 3rd person.
A succinct evaluation of your main discussion points within Part A and Part B, demonstrates your ability to synthesize this evidence.
This should include no new information.
An alphabetical list of all sources quoted in your work
Use contemporary literature [within the past 10 years unless it is a theory]
Only use reliable nursing and healthcare sources
The UoN Harvard Referencing guide must be used throughout your work and Reference List.
NMC Code 2018 essential reference

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