Compassionate Communication in Patient Care
Would like assistance in thoroughly answering these questions. My instructor told me I did not answer the question correctly or detailed. Please if you have read the book (I’m Here, Compassionate Communication in Patient Care by Marcus Engel) and know the nursing theories I would like help. My initial response to each question is below.
1. Marcus Engel described his experience as a patient in I’m Here, Compassionate Communication in Patient Care. Consider how Patricia Benner’s From Novice to Expert Theory applies to Mr. Engel’s experiences.
2. Describe how the Benner’s theory related to Mr. Engel’s experience.
3. How would the care received by Mr. Engel have been improved by applying Benner’s theory?
My initial response: 1. Marcus Engel described his experience as a patient in I’m Here, Compassionate Communication in Patient Care. Consider how Patricia Benner’s From Novice to Expert theory applies to Mr. Engel’s experiences.
Patricia Benner’s From Novice to Expert theory is about understanding nursing knowledge and taking care of patients. Benner’s theory applies to Marcus Engel’s experiences because he was a patient. His nurse was able to show him compassion. The nurse had his physical, spiritual, and emotional needs in mind.
2. Describe how Benner’s nursing theory related to Mr. Engel’s experience.
Engel was initially treated as a novice patient by all the medical professionals he interacted with. Still, as his situation became more complicated, the treatment shifted to reflect his expertise.
3. How would the care received by Mr. Engel have been improved by applying Benner’s nursing theory?
First, it would have helped the nurses caring for Mr. Engel make better decisions and be more effective in their practice. Nurses who are more experienced and knowledgeable would provide a higher quality of care to the patient. In addition, they would also be able to provide a higher level of support and guidance to nurses who are less skilled and knowledgeable, allowing them to develop their skills faster that would otherwise be possible.
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