Efforts of professional nursing organizations to influence healthcare policy

  • Professional Nursing Philosophy:
    • Philosophy statement:
      • The reason(s) for becoming a nurse, and personal beliefs about nursing.
      • Nursing theory used to frame your philosophy that demonstrates a connection between the theory and the personal philosophy of nursing.
    • Professional Development Plan:Click to download the Professional Development Plan template. Limit to 2-4 pages that includes:
    • Expectations and plans:
      • Where you are now? Where you are going? How you plan to get there?
    • Strengths and weaknesses:
      • What are your strengths?
      • What are your weaknesses or areas that need improvement or additional development?
    • Goals:
      • 2-year goals (career and educational). What action steps are needed?
      • 5-year goals (career and educational). What action steps are needed?
      • 10-year goals (career and educational). What action steps are needed?
    • Professional Socialization:
      • Which professional nursing certification(s) are you qualified to obtain?  Describe your plan (inlucing timeline and study strategies) for obtaining your certification.  If you are not qualified, what is your barrier?  How can you overcome it?  What is your timeline for doing so?
      • Professional organizations (identify at least 1 that you plan to join.  How can you contribute to this organization?  How can this orginization contribute to your professional development and enhancing your nursing practice?  How can this organization help promote self-advocacy and advocacy for the nursing profession?

Course Learning Outcome(s)

  • Identify the roles and efforts of professional nursing organizations to influence healthcare policy, ethically evaluate healthcare policies for their social utility, and advocate for vulnerable populations.
  • Apply legal, ethical, and professional nursing standards to promote and advocate for safe, high-quality, cost-conscious healthcare.
  • Create a professional development plan, which includes goals and timelines related to professional certification, professional organization membership, and ongoing professional development.
  • Demonstrate leadership skills and apply leadership principles to promote safe, quality, and cost-effective nursing care in complex healthcare settings.
  • Demonstrate effective preparation for career growth into advanced professional nursing roles.


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