Essential skill for successful practice in nursing

Assignment Description:

Care planning is an essential skill for successful practice in nursing. In practice, there will be varying levels of ‘formal’ care planning that take place. In some care settings, there will be a complete documentation of a care plan in the medical record, in other environments nurses will care plan to organize their patient care but documentation will not be performed. No matter the level of documentation that is completed, all nurses go through the exercise of care planning as a way of applying nursing science to patient care delivery.


This assignment directly addresses the following course objectives for NUR 320 – Foundations of Nursing:

  1. Identify aspects of critical thinking important to the communication process. (SLO: 1, 4, 5)
  2. Utilize patient care scenarios to apply the nursing process in developing a plan of care. (SLO: 2, 3, 4)
  3. Assess evidence-based practices delivering holistic, ncp-1-example incp-2 incp-2-grading-rubric. (SLO: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  4. Develop accurate, safe performance of nursing concepts and skills. (SLO: 2, 3, 5)


In this assignment you, the student, will be both patient and nurse. You will be writing a care plan for yourself. All of the assessment data will be about you, the interventions will be performed by you, and the evaluation will be based on your outcomes.


You will be using the Nursing Care Plan Form for school, provided to you on Canvas. The following tips will help you to complete a Care Pan Form:

    • Including ‘related to’ and ‘as evidenced by’ statements, as appropriate
    • No more than one ‘risk for’ NANDA may be used for the assignment
  • Data
    • 3-5 subjective and objective data points
  • 2 Goals
    • SMART format
  • 3 Interventions per goal
    • Total of 6 interventions per Care Plan
  • Rationale
    • Every intervention must have a rationale
    • Cite the source of your rationale appropriately (APA)
  • Evaluation
    • Every intervention needs to be evaluated with the statement Met, Partially Met, or Not Met
    • Total of 6 Evaluations per Care Plan


Any citations or references used in the completion of this assignment must be noted using correct APA reference citation, for both in-text citations and references. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a 0 for the assignment and will be pursued to the fullest extent of the academic integrity policy outlined in the student handbook.


The due dates for this assignment are outlined on the syllabus, and as follows:


Care Plan 1                          Week 4

Care Plan 2                          Week 6


The act of creating care plans is difficult for students learning to implement the nursing process. As your professor, I strongly suggest seeking assistance if the assignment is difficult to complete or if your performance is not as you would like.

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