Subject Matter and Learning Outcomes

Module 1001 Assignment – – – Guidelines and Tips
Subject Matter and Learning Outcomes.
You are writing to learning outcomes not to a title, all learning outcomes specified for the assignment must
be met.
Therefore you choose your subject, choose one that interests you and that you will enjoy to write. If you are
bored as a writer than I will probably be as a reader
The learning outcomes for this assignment are:
LOM 1) Describe and discuss the principles of the generic role of the ODP.
LOM 3) Identify and explain appropriate oral and written communication skills in order to promote clinically
effective peri-operative care.
LOM 4) Demonstrate an understanding of a multidisciplinary approach to practice.
Therefore the subject of your assignment needs to be based on part of the role of the ODP that is generic. I
will define this as part of the ODP role that is carried out in the 3 phases of ODP work, anaesthetics, surgery
and recovery. You are not expected to cover the whole of the generic role of the ODP but to pick one aspect
of it as the subject of your assignment. You will need to refer to all 3 phases of the ODP role.
You need to be able to describe and discuss the generic role that you choose as your subject, so it is best to
choose one that you will be getting an opportunity to observe/experience during your clinical placement – –
this is why I said to be careful not to make your final choice of subject to early.
You need to discuss the role of the ODP and also show how they work as part of a multi-professional team.
Finally it is useful to include in your assignment discussion of the legislation, local or national policies that
apply to your subject matter, this includes professional guidelines and standards etc.
Planning is a key aspect of your assignment. My tip is to choose a subject, mull it over for a few days (let
your ideas develop) and then think about key sections that you want to include. For each of these key
sections you can then put down the ideas, sources of information, and start to build your assignment. Don’t
worry if your plan changes as it goes along this is often the case.
Structure and Layout.
Remember this is your first assignment and you will make some elementary (silly) errors.
Produce a clear introduction, use of subheadings is beneficial not only can it assist you with your planning,
but it can make it a lot easier for your reader.
Use evidence to back up your discussion making sure that you explain why the evidence has been included
(think about the lessons learned in the session we did on evidence).
Write a clear conclusion.
Give your assignment a title that captures your reader.
Remember the order of your assignment should be
Contents Page,
(Body sections),
Bibliography (if you do one)
Appendices (if you include any).
Your assignment should be easy flowing and therefore stimulating for your reader to read.
Remember your reader who ever it may be.
Follow the rules to the letter.
You may seek the advice of me (or your personal tutor) at any time during writing your assignment, either
face to face or by e-mail. We know what advice we can or can’t give so don’t you worry about that, if you
want to ask it, ask it.
Proof reading.
Proof read your assignment carefully, out loud in front of a mirror (you will feel daft but it works) and/or get
someone else to proof read it for you.
Organisation of information and knowledge which is what the assignment tells me about your knowledge and
understanding of the subject makes up 40% of your marks. So include information and show by your
discussion that you understand it and in particular how it relates to the role of the ODP. Do not simply
produce a task oriented piece of writing back up tasks with the why and wherefores!
Evaluation of Evidence is weighted at 10% in this assignment.
Your use of sources makes up 20% of your mark. I do not give you a figure for how many to include because
this depends on your subject choice. Use ones that you think are appropriate but I don’t want rent a quote.
Your assignment has to show your original thinking.
Presentation should follow all the rules in your workbook, there is 30% of the mark for presentation.
Word Limit
Is 1500 ±10%

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