The effects of hospitalization

Cindy lives with her mother and two siblings, 6-year-old Roger, and 12-year-old Betty. Her father died in a car accident a few years ago. Her mother works as a receptionist in a law office. Her family is now at the hospital. Cindy undergoes an open reduction and internal fixation of tibial fracture. She has been in the post-anesthesia unit for approximately 45 minutes. As she arouses from sleep, she begins to moan and call for her mother, “I want my mom! Where is she?”.

Cindy Lizzo is a 10-year-old who was playing at the playground at school and fell from the monkey bars.  She held her left leg and began to scream uncontrollably. EMS and her mother were called. She was taken to the local hospital.

Her vital signs are “HR: 115 beats/minute; T: 37.4 C oral; BP: 122/74 mm Hg; RR: 25 breaths/minute with oxygen saturation of 94% on room air

1. What signs indicate that Cindy may be in pain?

2. What are the effects of hospitalization for Cindy and her family? Consider implementing atraumatic/trauma-informed care.

3. What pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies would you expect to be used to manage Cindy’s pain? What are the implications of unmanaged pain?

4.As Cindy’s primary nurse what assessments and interv

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