The principle of respect for autonomy

Despite the praises heaped on the principle of respect for autonomy, I believe that all the four-bioethics principles work together to deliver quality and better healthcare to patients. The four principles’ ranking depends mainly on several issues and situations, such as the type of medication, the patient’s level of education, and the urgency of treatment (Grand Canyon University, 2019).

For instance, I believe that nonmaleficence and beneficence should triumph for autonomy and justice principles in psychiatric medication. The principle of respect for autonomy requires a nurse to obey and respect an individual’s decision-making capacity (Paul, 2020). The principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence are closely related because they require that nurses provide care to the best of their knowledge without or with minimal infliction of harm to the patient. Besides, justice requires a fair distribution of benefits, risks, and costs.

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