The distal interphalangeal joint
Singular, Plural, and Adjectival Suffix Forms
ce each structural name in the proper category in order to indicate whether the underlined term denotes a singular, plural, o ectival ending.
The distal interphalangeal joint is considered a hinge and it offers only one degree of freedom.
Major calyces drain multiple minor calyces in each kidney.
The joint between each of the phalanges is considered a hinge joint and it offers only one degree of freedom.
A villus is a cellular extension often associated with increasing surface area for absorptive processes.
The cortical area of each kidney is the outermost later.
Each kidney has a renal cortex, the outermost layer of renal tissue.
The renal cortices are the outermost layer of each kidney.
Villi are cellular extensions found on absorptive surfaces as a means to increase surface area for absorption.
A major calyx drains multiple calyces before connecting to each ureter.
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